Business lawyers
About us
LAWCORPUS is a law firm operating for over a decade with its headquarters based in the heart of Kaunas city.
We are business lawyers with the most experience and competence in working with large and medium sized businesses. Clients entrust us with the most demanding tasks, confidential information, high-value projects, defence of their rights, etc. 90% of all negotiations, disputes and legal cases result in victories for the clients we represent.
Our business philosophy is based on knowledge, comprehensive logic and ability to deal with the client’s assignment in an expeditious and creative manner. We set the highest standards to provide our clients with the backing in ever-changing business environment.

Do you have legal questions? LAWCORPUS will answer them!
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For a decade now, LAWCORPUS has been helping us find the best solutions in complicated and complex legal labyrinths. By entrusting this law firm with our business matters, we are always sure of good end result. These lawyers are more than just legal experts. They are competent in business processes both in the narrower and the broadest sense. Therefore, we can be more efficient in working towards common goal.
UAB Klaipėdos konteinerių terminalasCEO Vaidotas Šileika
Proper representation in our day-to-day business dealings with our clients and partners, as well as with public authorities, is important to us. By entrusting the law firm LAWCORPUS with our representation, we can be sure of reducing the chances of occurrence of business and other related disputes.
UAB "Sweco Lietuva"Vice-President Audrius Bunevičius
Working with LAWCORPUS team of lawyers means having a reliable, loyal partner with well-established values. With their help, many matters can be resolved peacefully. However, in the event of disputes, these lawyers will make every effort to resolve them in the most cost-effective manner (both in terms of time and finances).
UAB Malkų įlankos terminalasCEO Julius Kiršis